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What is the Importance of School Education for Your Children

Children spend about 14 years of their lives in the school environment. In these formative years of their life, they learn the concepts of most subjects. However, the end-goal of a school isn’t just to give students a certificate to enter higher education. The real purpose of a school goes far beyond academic education it helps in nurturing the personality in children and shaping them into adults who add value to the society.

Let us look at some core reasons why school education is essential for your child.

Gaining Knowledge

As an educational institution, the school provides a conducive atmosphere to the students to learn from a teacher. An age appropriate syllabus is assigned to the children till they graduate from school and the students learn more complicated concepts in the higher field of education. With a systematic evaluation process, students learn to improve their skills, compete in a healthy manner, and thrive in a constructive atmosphere. The schools with the best academics teach fundamental subjects like languages, mathematics, science, social science, etc., preparing them for higher studies, specialisations, and eventually for an employment of their choice and capacity.

Building Social Skills

When children enrol in a school, they are exposed to other children of similar age, from all walks of life and this helps them to learn to cooperate, negotiate and navigate in such an atmosphere. Students acquire interpersonal skills and communication skills resulting in the expansion of their social circle. Through group activities like sports, they learn teamwork and leadership skills. They are also exposed to the diversity of our culture in such an environment.

Learning Discipline

A school has a definite set of rules. Students are exposed to the nuances adjusting in a society by being in such an environment. The school instils in them the quality of discipline, one of the most critical life skills which leads them to evolve as better human beings and succeed in life.

Extracurricular Activities

The school allows students to identify and explore their talents and find where their natural inclinations lie. Students take up music, sports, dance, art, theatre, writing, etc., as extracurricular activities and thrive in areas other than in academics.

Encouraging learning

Learning is a lifelong activity that begins the moment we are born. The school being the main platform for learning different subjects, not only imparts education but also equips the children with various learning techniques. For example, the math classes expose the student to the fundamentals of mathematics while honing their problem-solving skills, deductive skills, etc.

Building Networks

The life within the walls naturally expands to the outside world as well. Students make friendships that continue into their adult lives. These are relationships that stay with them for a long time. They also connect to their teachers and other students outside of their classroom. This way, school becomes the ground for developing a social life for the students.

Summing Up

School education is the most crucial aspect of a child’s formative years. A child’s overall development is affected by the school the parents choose for him/her. It is vital that, as a parent, you pick a school with the best academics and extracurricular activities. Samsidh group of schools is among the schools with the best academics in India. We instil in our students the skills of curiosity, creativity, initiative, interdisciplinary thinking, gratitude, and empathy to transform them into compassionate, humble, and happy individuals with the potential to become tomorrow’s leaders.

Also Read, Why Education and Technology Go Hand in Hand?