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Did you enjoy doing your homework as a child? The answer is likely a ‘no’.

As parents, do you feel your children enjoy doing their homework? Once again, the answer would probably be a resounding ‘no’!

But, we all realise the relevance of homework in driving academic excellence besides infusing important life skills in students.

Yes, regardless of all the efforts to escape the rigours of homework and the teachers’ persistence to make the children complete theirs, homework does contribute significantly to the learning process. It develops in students the study skills, besides instilling work ethics early on. Solving problems independently and managing time to meet assignment deadlines boost the confidence of students.

So, how do we make after-school assignments a breeze for the kids? The mentors at Samsidh Group of Schools have compiled the best strategies for you.

1. Stick to a specific homework time

Set a particular time during the day for children to do their homework, such that it doesn’t clash with their play and bedtimes. Maintaining a regular schedule will help them develop a daily study habit.

2. Create a visual timeline

Together with your children, prepare a chart with a visual timeline of assignments and the resources they need to complete them. Keeping up with the schedule will instill crucial time management skills in them, which will serve them well in later life.

3. Choose the right study area

Keeping in mind that children get distracted very easily, create a comfortable study area where they can focus on their assignment without any likely distractions from devices, pets, play items, or family members moving around.

4. Keep adequate resources at hand

Taking a cue from the timeline chart, help children plan the resources they need to complete each project and assignment. Ensure to source all the required materials for them to get on with their work without any bottlenecks.

5. Provide support but not direct help

Homework is an extension of the learning children take away from the classroom. It centres on their understanding of the contextual concepts. They are likely to turn to you for assignment help. But, if you give them the solutions, their learning will lag. Guide them when they are confused, run through the concepts with them to clear any doubts they may have, but insist that they frame their answers.

6. Work alongside

Children learn what they see. Do not enforce homework time for them while you relax. Provide them with the mental assurance that you are as busy as they are, doing your work while they finish theirs. They will feel good about you completing your homework alongside them.

7. Encourage breaks in between assignments

Short breaks can improve focus and keep the interest level up for the work at hand. Moreover, if they get stuck at any point in their work, taking a short break will help clear their mind to think afresh. Hence, promote break time in-between assignments to ensure children return to complete their tasks with a renewed vigour.

8. Prioritise assignments

Promote meta-cognitive skill development in your child by helping them identify the assignments that are the most critical. Tell them how they can finish the most-challenging assignment faster and better with a fresh mind if they attempt it before the easier ones.

9. Reward achievements

Celebrate achievements like finishing homework without any guidance or project completed before the deadline with well-deserved rewards. Take them out for a play in the park or a round of indoor games with you. This will motivate them to step up on their homework efforts.

10. Maintain positivity

Nurture a positive attitude towards homework to inject similar positivity in the children. Kids imbibe from you and the way you look at homework and assignments, they will have the same perspectives.

11. Interact with teachers

Keep in touch with the teachers in school to understand the homework expectations, the academic performance of your child, and the quality of work they submit. This will help you guide your child better and drive home the truth that teachers and parents are a team to mentor the wards.

We hope that by applying these expert techniques in tackling homework, you will be able to make your child look forward to accepting the homework challenge and win it with flying colours.