The general conception of creativity is that it is a personality trait and innovation involves life-altering products invented in scientific labs. However, educationists and business leaders alike rate creativity and innovation as the most-valued skills needed to survive in the present era.
Mere subject expertise does not make an individual a productive professional for life. Having the adaptability and the creativity to approach an issue from newer angles every time it crops up with a different set of challenges gives one the capacity to browbeat technological advancements like Artificial Intelligence.
Yes, simply holding conventional qualifications do not suffice anymore. The ability to find innovative solutions to mundane problems like customer grievance and accomplish run-of-the-mill tasks like sales creatively is considered the core skill needed to survive the onslaught of machines taking over human jobs.
Is not creativity and innovation innate?
Creativity and innovation cannot be branded as inborn qualities of a few mavericks any more. Just like intelligence, every individual has varying levels of innovative and creative thinking prowess that can be nurtured and developed further. According to the Four C Model of Creativity, creative thinking ability in humans can range from eminent, professional, every day, and meaningful personal insight levels.
Creative thinking essential component of learning
Creativity is essential for information synthesis and making sense of learning experiences. Experts suggest that creative processes are activated when learners attempt to put academic learning into context with their imagination.
In most cases, learners are forced to tread the linear path using established patterns of thought. This practice kills the inclination of students to think out of the box. Creativity of the learners kicks in when they are encouraged to use their imagination instead to nurture their lateral thinking ability in understanding new concepts.
Can creativity and innovation be taught?
To answer this question, we would like to quote the famed author and scientist George Land who said, “…non-creative behaviour is learned”. Prof. Land came to this conclusion after conducting his creativity test that measured divergent thinking in 1600 children progressively at the ages 5, 10, and 15 years. Additionally, 2.8 million adults also took the same test, and the results indicated that creativity in humans diminished with age. Is it not a good enough reason to start tending the inherent creativity in humans at a tender age?
Is creativity only about the arts?
You cannot develop creativity through dependence on the arts and extracurricular activities alone. If creative skills and innovative mindset is not nurtured with every academic subject, then the entire effort can turn counterproductive, as learners find it difficult to adjust to different teaching methods.
Encourage creative learning processes by allowing learners to explore new ideas and new thoughts by encouraging them to find links of a core concept with different subjects. This form of experiential learning will help with better retention. Besides, they will find creative means of applying the knowledge gained.
How do educators nurture creativity in the classroom?
Developing creativity and innovation in a classroom setting requires moving away from the traditional method of teaching, with a focus on experimental learning. Creative instructional models and methods will arouse the interest levels in the students, while open-ended questions and project-based learning will nudge them to put their thinking caps on. Of course, the environment should be conducive for such non-conforming independence in the application of knowledge.
At Samsidh we acknowledge the importance of creativity and innovation as core skills required to grow into able thinkers. Hence, we strive to equip our wards with these 21st-century skills along with ethical values to mould them into risk-taking, happy individuals who look at failure as a step towards success.