“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”
― Aristotle
The world today is changing at a rapid pace and preparing our children to face that unknown future is the need of the hour.
We at Samsidh, believe in not only imparting academic excellence to our children, but also make them compassionate, humble and happy leaders who can be the change makers of the 21st Century.
The activity based methodology that we follow at Samsidh caters to the Multiple Intelligences and helps the students understand the concepts for life. Our Learning Management System provides a wonderful platform with resources and worksheets through which children learn at their own pace and the system generated reports gives a detailed analysis helping the teachers to bridge any gaps. The high achievements of our previous batches is a testimony of the enrichment programme, which is one of the pillars of Samsidh.

Reading is promoted in our Schools because we believe that the readers of today are the leaders of tomorrow. The enrichment curriculum in the primary focuses on reading and the deeply planned activities like the Literary Circles pushes the child from one level to the next by the end of the academic year. The enrichment assessment data enables us to come out with different strategies to push the child further. The reading proficiency of our students is well above the national average.
Our well researched Character Development programme ensures that our children learn values as skills and under this programme we groom our children to be compassionate ,empathetic and kind leaders. They become more self aware, understand that failure is a part of life and how they need be resilient, persevere towards their goals and be grittier.
Life Skills is infused along with all the curriculum creating a conducive environment and a positive attitude towards life. We were also awarded the Best School in Character Development & Leadership program by Eldrok India K12 for the academic year 2021-22.
We create a culture of gratitude and our children understand that being grateful leads to contentment and happiness and is the secret behind abundance .They learn the science behind happiness.
The Samsidh Changemakers Club aims to hone the leadership qualities in our children . The various Club activities gives the platform for our children to bring out their creative skills and find solutions to the problems faced by our society.
Our team of teachers work dedicatedly, thinking out of the box and creating platform for our students to hone the 21st century skills of Collaboration, Communication, Compassion, Creative and Critical thinking. The interschool competitions like Samsidh 2 Infinity & Beyond, Samsidh Swarsangam, Samsidh Vigyanmanthan, Samsidh Literary Fests brought together thousands of students from across the branches and stand testimony to the depth of work done by our team to achieve the vision set by our Chairman Sri Vasa Srinivasa Rao of Preparing Children for Life!
– Ms. Praseela Vimal
Principal, Samsidh School, HSR