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Since March 2020, the school buildings are inaccessible to students though the rigor of education continues virtually. Students and parents , teaching professionals alike have struggled and mastered a new format of teaching to be done and dusted with a session and a half.However, the novelty of learning at home has started to wear off and most of us are longing for the normalcy, the easy banter with friends in the school corridors, and everything about the school ambience.With a new standard of normal life emerging, when the schools finally open to welcome their children, many things will probably be different. There would be some new teachers, new classmates, new schedules, and above all new rules to keep the students safe.

WHO guidelines and the Government of India’s Department of School Education and Literacy SOPs outline the particulars for school reopening. Keeping health and safety as the primary focus, Samsidh has adopted these standards for opening the school gates shortly.

Yet, the responsibility of carrying out educational endeavours most safely and hygienically lies on the students and parents too. Keeping this in mind, here is a set of tips for you, our dear students and parents, to follow when you finally return to school.

Returning to the school routine.

After months of “learn from home”, it might be difficult to get back to the conventional school schedule. Ease yourself in the school routine slowly even before your school is deemed to start so that you do not face problems when the time comes to go back to school. Parents, please enforce the “early to bed, early to rise” regime to make things easier for your children.

Personal hygiene

Keeping your hands clean at all times, using proper sanitization methods, maintaining respiratory hygiene, etc., are some of the essential practices that can keep you safe from COVID 19. This is especially true when you return to school and expose yourself to the virus to a certain extent. Younger and older children alike need regular counselling from you, parents, for this habit of personal hygiene to be drilled into their minds, such that they follow the same involuntarily.

Knowing the school rules

The rules of the school post-COVID would have changed. No contact sports, no huddling on the corridors, no sharing of meals, and more. Make sure you know and understand the rules fully to comply with them cent percent. If you don’t, ask your school coordinator or whoever is in a position to answer your queries. The rules are made for the safety of the students and the school staff, and everyone must follow them.

Importance of social distancing

It is normal behavior for children to hug each other when they meet after a long time. But in the backdrop of the pandemic, any form of physical proximity is to be avoided at all costs. Hence, please explain to your kids the importance of social distancing and wearing a mask to protect them from the deadly virus. They would be upset about this, empathize, but explain the practicalities to them so they understand the necessity of the measure.

Health is more important than academic grades.

If unwell even with a seasonal cough and cold, please do not come to school. You would put yourself as well as your friends at risk. Your academic grades are important but far not more than your well-being. So avoid coming to school when feeling under the weather.

We can’t wait to see you back at Samsidh Group of Schools! Practice these precautionary measures well and, hope to see you soon!