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“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Decoding the Purpose of Education

Education, in today’s world, is perceived as a prerequisite to achieving economic success in life, implying that schooling is needed for a career. But, in reality, it is seen that the majority of the candidates poised to enter their professional lives are not equipped to handle the demands of the job, resulting in a largely unhappy workforce.

The traditional system prevalent in India, before the announcement of the National Education Policy in July 2020, takes most of the brunt for focusing on rote learning instead of nurturing inquisitiveness and using grades as the only measure of learning. However, the societal outlook towards education is equally at fault.

But, setting blame games aside, it is undeniable that children are our living assets that wield the power to shape the future of the world. And, following Martin Luther King, Jr., it is our responsibility to empower our succeeding generation to think on their own, discern the difference between right and wrong, and create a path for themselves.

At Samsidh, We Prepare Your Child for Life

At Samsidh Group of Schools, we focus on instilling compassion and humility in our wards as core skills, so they grow up to be good-hearted human beings first. At the same time, we nurture their strengths to help them shine academically while weaving in the science of being happy in their persona. Yes, we treat happiness as a science, so that our wards, in the process of paving their paths in the fast-paced competitive world, do not lose out to emotional stress.

Igniting curiosity, encouraging creativity, cultivating cross-disciplinary thought processes, and fostering an enterprising attitude – this is how we raise our wards. If you are wondering how we accomplish this feat, read along to know more about the methods we practice at our schools.

1. Integration of knowledge, skills and values

Experience has shown us that knowledge mugged up for the sake of grades and not for practical learning is not effective. So, at Samsidh, we integrate the process of acquiring knowledge with skill development for practical problem solving, leading to a better understanding of concepts. Alongside, we also cultivate a value system to help our wards grow as ethical humans.

2. Holistic development through various sports and the arts

Sports and the arts are equally important for the holistic development of our children. Sports give them crucial life lessons like teamwork, leadership, resilience, discipline, patience, fair play, among others. Specially curated music and dance curriculums help express themselves artfully, besides, teaching them effective stress management through such activities.

3. Digitally enabled interactive delivery of education

Interactive academics make learning less burdensome. Students at Samsidh have fun studying in state-of-the-art smart classrooms, and gaining practical exposure from the different learning resource centres like the language lab, math lab, science lab, social studies lab, etc. During the physical closure of schools for the COVID 19 pandemic, we have seamlessly integrated our academic delivery with digital platforms to ensure that our children do not face any learning loss.

4. Promoting individual potential for academic excellence

Our scientifically modeled communication and enrichment programs develop the comprehension and creative writing skills and the conceptual clarity of math and science subjects, respectively, taking care of the key aspects of academics learning. Realizing that each child has certain inherent strong points or inclinations, we constantly endeavour to nurture their strengths, keeping in mind their learning pace, capacity, and style. We monitor their progress closely to customise learning strategies such that each of them can advance with the help of 1:1 attention from the teachers.

5. Focus on developing “future skills”

Academic excellence, without character building, is as baseless as a building without a foundation. Hence, our principle of imbibing values like gratitude, compassion and humility in our wards is a much-needed skill for future leaders. We strive to instil in our students the ability and willingness to learn new things. Our model of education delivery and academic assessment ensures that children think critically and creatively while sporting exceptional communication skills.

Final Words

Samsidh, Sanskrit for “be prepared,” has the vision “to prepare children for life.” With ten leading schools to date under our ever-expanding umbrella and 8000+ students training with us to be change-makers, ours is the kind of institution you would want your child to go to, to live a content life in the future. Whether it’s through innovative teaching methods or leveraging technology like a live streaming website for interactive learning, we ensure our students are well-equipped for the ever-evolving world. Come and visit us to witness how we are grooming the thought leaders and entrepreneurs of tomorrow. We assure you, that at Samsidh Group of Schools, your child will get the best academic experience while growing up to be a happy, healthy, and humane citizen of India.